(Topography and feather patterns)
Go to Figures or use the list below to find the part.
Part | Figure Number |
(Median) Crown-stripe | 3 |
Alula | 3,27,29 |
Anterior flanks | 30 |
Axillaries | 5,30 |
Barbule | 21 |
Bare facial mask | 8 |
Barred (feather pattern) | 21 |
Belly | 1,24,30 |
Bill | 3,7,29 |
Breast | 30 |
Breast-band | 24 |
Calamus | 21 |
Cancellate texture | 19 |
Central upper tail-coverts | 2 |
Centre of throat | 1 |
Cere | 7 |
Cheeks | 7 |
Chevron (feather pattern) | 22 |
Chin | 1,7,12,24,26 |
Claw | 1,24 |
Crest | 8 |
Crown | 1,7,24,26,29 |
Culmen | 9 |
Culminicorn | 15 |
Dark central wedge (feather pattern) | 22 |
Ear-coverts | 1,7,24,25 |
Edge (feather pattern) | 21 |
Emargination | 21 |
Eye | 1,2,7,24,25,29 |
Eye-ring | 7,25 |
Eye-stripe | 3 |
Facial disc | 11 |
Feet | 3 |
Flanks | 1,24 |
Forecrown | 7,26 |
Forehead | 7,24,26,29 |
Foreneck | 12 |
Fringe (feather pattern) | 21 |
Fringe at tip (feather pattern)[Vol 2] | 23 |
Gape | 9,25,26 |
Gonys | 13 |
Gorget | 1,24 |
Granulate texture | 17 |
Greater (underwing) coverts | 5 |
Greater coverts | 3 |
Greater Primary coverts | 1,3,24,27,29,30 |
Greater Secondary coverts | 1,3,4,24,27,29,30 |
Greater under primary coverts | 5 |
Greater under secondary coverts | 5 |
Gular pouch | 14 |
Hindcrown | 7,26 |
Hindneck | 3,24,29 |
Humeral coverts | 4 |
Humerals | 4 |
Inner web | 21 |
Inter-ramal region | 13 |
Iris | 3,25 |
Lamellae | 14 |
Lateral crown-stripe | 3 |
Lateral upper tail-coverts | 2 |
Latericorn | 15 |
Lesser (underwing) coverts | 5 |
Lesser coverts | 3 |
Lesser primary coverts | 3 |
Lesser secondary coverts | 3 |
Lesser under primary coverts | 5 |
Lesser under secondary coverts | 5 |
Lobed foot | 18 |
Long lateral breast feathers | 12 |
Lores | 1,7,24,25,26 |
Lower back | 1,3,24,29 |
Lower breast | 1,24 |
Lower mandible | 3,7,9,25 |
Lower throat | 12 |
Malar area | 1,24 |
Malar stripe | 9,25 |
Mandibular ramus | 13 |
Mandibular unguis | 15 |
Mantle | 1,3,24,29 |
Marginal coverts | 3,4,5 |
Marginal primary coverts | 30 |
Marginal secondary coverts | 27,29 |
Maxillary unguis | 15 |
Median (underwing) coverts | 5 |
Median coverts | 3 |
Median primary coverts | 3,27,29,30 |
Median secondary coverts | 3,27,29 |
Median under primary coverts | 5 |
Median under secondary coverts | 5 |
Moustacial stripe | 1,9,25 |
Nape | 1,7,24,26,29 |
Nare | 7 |
Naricorn | 15 |
Nasal groove | 26 |
Nostril | 7,15 |
Orbital-ring | 7 |
Outer web | 21 |
p1 | 3,27,29 |
p10 | 3,27,29 |
p2 | 3,27,29 |
p3 | 3,27,29 |
p4 | 3,27,29 |
p5 | 3,27,29 |
p6 | 3,27,29 |
p7 | 3,27,29 |
p8 | 3,27,29 |
p9 | 3,27,29 |
Posterior flanks | 30 |
Pre-axillary notch | 5 |
Primaries | 1,3,4,5,24,27,29,30 |
Pupil | 3,25 |
Rachis | 21 |
Ramicorn | 15 |
Ramus | 21 |
Reticulate scaling | 19 |
Retrices | 28 |
Rictal bristles | 9,25 |
Rosethorn (feather pattern) | 21 |
Rump | 1,3,24,28,29,30 |
s1 | 3,27,29 |
s2 | 3,27,29 |
s3 | 3,27,29 |
s4 | 3,27,29 |
s5 | 3,27,29 |
s6 | 3,27,29 |
s7 | 3,27,29 |
s8 | 3,27,29 |
s9 | 3,27,29 |
Scapulars | 1,3,4,24,27,29 |
Secondaries | 3,4,5,27,29,30 |
Shaft (feather) | 21 |
Shaft-streak (feather pattern) | 21 |
Sides of breast | 1,24 |
Speculum | 6 |
Spot (feather pattern) | 22 |
Spotted edges (feather pattern) | 22 |
Spur | 10 |
Subhumeral coverts | 5 |
Subhumerals | 5 |
Submarginal (feather pattern) [Vol. 2] | 23 |
Submoustachial stripe | 9,25 |
Subterminal band (feather pattern) | 21 |
Subterminal fringe (feather pattern) | 21 |
Sulcus | 15 |
Supercilium | 1,24,25 |
Syndactyl foot | 16 |
t1 | 2,28 |
t2 | 2,28 |
t3 | 2,28 |
t4 | 2,28 |
t5 | 2,28 |
t6 | 2,28 |
Tail | 1,2,3,24,29,30 |
Tarsus | 1,4,24 |
Tertials | 1,5,24,27,29 |
Thigh | 1,24 |
Throat | 7,24,26 |
Tip (feather pattern) | 21 |
Toe | 1.24 |
Tomia | 9,25 |
Totipalmate foot | 20 |
Undertail-coverts | 1,3,24,30 |
Unguis | 15 |
Upper back | 1,3,24,29 |
Upper breast | 1,24 |
Upper mandible | 3,7,9,25 |
Uppertail-coverts | 1,2,24,28,29,30 |
Upper throat | 12 |
Vent | 1,24,30 |
Vermiculation (feather pattern) | 21 |
Wattle | 10,26 |
Webbed foot | 19 |
Zygodactyl foot | 17 |

Syndactyl foot

Zygodactyl foot

Images below from Vol 5
[figure numbers changed but see the original numbers in square brackets at the end of the caption].