The lists below show the taxa which are in the HANZAB book but are not in the current HANZAB taxonomy. See Taxonomic changes since HANZAB book published in the entries for the reason.
Orders no longer in taxonomyTURNICIFORMES
APODIFORMES Families no longer in taxonomy
Parrots (Psittacidae) Subfamilies no longer in taxonomy
Arctic sandpipers and allies (Calidridinae)
Dowitchers (Limnodrominae )
Lapwings (Vanellinae)
Phalaropes (Phalaropodinae)
Skuas and jaegers (Stercorariinae )
Snipe (Gallinagoninae)
Turnstones (Arenariinae) Species in HANZAB book now demoted to subspecies or no longer included in the taxonomy
Bronze-Cuckoo, Gould's
Ground-Dove, Norfolk Island
Shag, Antarctic
Shag, Crozet
Shag, Heard
Shag, Macquarie
Shag, South Georgian
Wagtail, Black-backed